Saturday, February 27, 2010

Arrived in Kigali

Kigali, Rwanda (Saturday, February 27, 2010) -- It's quiet in Kigali with little traffic and few pedestrians.

It's the last Saturday in February, and everyone in Kigali is supposed to spend the morning cleaning -- trimming bushes, picking up trash, sweeping the road in front of their place. The morning is considered a "day of service."

And the clean up is strictly enforced. Road checks makes sure only cabs and taxi mo-peds are on the road.

We're settled in our rooms at the Hotel Gorillas. Many of the students are walking around the neighborhood.

It's a beautiful day, in the high 60s, breezy. Kigali's thousands hills are lush with fruit and vegetables.

The students are ready to work.


  1. Our best wishes for all the students, but in special to Martha Vega from Mexico!!!
    Los Vega del Villar

  2. Great job there, hope all of you do your best and learn alot of this work. Hi Martha Vega!!!
