Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our first day in Kigali


I finally uploaded a video for you.

Last night the entire group visited a restaurant around the corner that specialized in pizza. Yum.

Here is our schedule for Sunday (not a work day):

-- 8:30 a.m. optional Anglican church service
-- 10:30 Genocide Memorial
-- 1:00 p.m. Lunch at Bourbon Coffee, MTN Center
-- 2:30 p.m. Ivuka Arts Center (Traditional Rwandese dance classes for children)
-- 4:30-6:00 p.m. Downtime
-- 6:00 p.m. Reception at the Bridge 2 Rwanda House
-- 7:00 p.m. Dinner with Dale Dawson*

* In 2002, Dale Dawson was doing the work he had always wanted to do. He had 25 successful years under his belt – as a corporate tax advisor, investment banker, entrepreneur and corporate CEO.

He was leading an investment banking team and partnering with one of the wealthiest, most entrepreneurial families in America.

What more could he ask for?

Then he met Bishop John Ruchyahana, who introduced him to Rwanda and the kind of challenge he had never before imagined.

Dale asked Bishop John, “How do you find the strength to rebuild a country that experienced the horrors of Rwanda? Most would not even try.”

Dale saw in Bishop John one man who was making a difference and getting results. A year after meeting Bishop John, Dale quit his management position and began to build schools and businesses in Rwanda.

Dale is Founder and CEO of Bridge2Rwanda, an enterprise committed to creating tomorrow’s leaders by building schools and businesses in Rwanda and mobilizing “borrowed talent” to help.

He serves on President Paul Kagame’s Advisory Council and as a special advisor to the Rwanda Development Board, the government’s primary agency for economic development.

In Rwanda, Dale helped to found and now serves on the boards of Urwego Opportunity Bank and Muhabura University. In the U.S., he serves on the board of Leadership Network/Halftime Group and the Opportunity International President’s Council.

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